Celemony Melodyne Studio (FULL + Precracked)

Notes and tools
Notes are displayed in Melodyne in the form of “blobs” – the precise path traced by the pitch is indicated by the wavy line. With Melodyne’s tools, you can edit the notes directly and modify all important musical parameters. Just grab the notes, and you’ll find you can adjust their pitch, vibrato, volume, timing and much else besides in a highly intuitive manner.
Fantastic possibilities
Melodyne rescues, helps, optimizes and inspires. You’ll never want to work with audio any other way.
If a good take is spoiled by small errors, you don’t have to throw it away, because with Melodyne you can simply repair it. Regardless whether they’re intonation or timing errors, notes that are too loud or too quiet, with too much vibrato or too little.
Perfectly integrated
Whatever your system or workflow, Melodyne fits right in. As a plug-in, Melodyne can be effortlessly integrated into your projects. Melodyne supports the VST, AU, RTAS and AAX plug-in interfaces and combines seamlessly with all important DAWs.
Why Melodyne is better
That Melodyne sounds so good and is so simple to use is based on two things. The less important is the technology.