REAPER 5.11 (FULL + Crack)
REAPER supports a vast range of hardware, digital formats and plugins, and can be comprehensively extended, scripted and modified.
New in Version 5
FX:VST3 support, sample-accurate automation for VST3 and JSFX, FX browser improvements.
ReaScript:API and scripting improvements, including a built-in development environment for creating and debugging scripts in Lua, EEL, or Python. Create anything from simple macros, to complex new functionality.
Control grouping:Flexible, automatable VCA control. Link groups of track controls together at any point in the signal flow.
Video:Many improvements to video support and performance, including real-time programmable track and item effect processing.
FX parameter automation:Full automation and MIDI/OSC learn support for per-take FX, improved FX envelope and modulation management via the Project Bay, increased automation recording speed.
And more:New GUI layouts, Media Explorer improvements, metronome beat patterns, Opus support, MIDI note-off editing, new volume envelope modes, new actions and API functions, and many other fixes and improvements.